
Book Reviews β€’ Highly Recommended Books β€’ Books to Read β€’ Five Stars

Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster by Linda Graham, MFT:

An Incredible Resource for Healing and Wellbeing!

This is a book I have not stopped talking about for months since I finished it.

Delving into amazing findings of modern neuroscience, Linda Graham, MFT has written such an engaging book about the capacity to cope in all circumstances.

With useful practices for understanding and developing emotional, somatic, and reflective intelligence, this book is an excellent read particularly for yoga and meditation teachers, or anyone interested in psychology, healing, or truly fascinating statistics on health and wellness!

Perfect for those looking to learn more about mindfulness practice in action!


β€œWe can’t change the fact that shit happens. What we can change is how we respond. When something challenging or even devastating happens, we have the power β€” the flexibility β€” to choose how we respond. It takes practice, and it takes awareness, but that power always lies within us.”

β€” Linda Graham, MFT


The Wisdom Teachings of the Dalai Lama


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close