Creative Flow + Structural Integrity

Musings • Peace to the People • Creative Flow + Structural Integrity

Article on Creative Flow (Messy) and Structural Integrity (Organized)

Letting both natures be, a rhythym between the two. Not lettig the editor "block" the flow from the side that craves freedom.

Let loose, reel it in, let loose, reel it in. Fishing through your mind for great ideas.

Like music: twelve tones, a steady beat: combine your own infinite symphonies.

Before you write a few words and ley your editor squash it all before you keep going and get the bulk of your ideas out!

All first drafts are shit.

This is the time for flow, not overly discerning perfection. Get the first draft in Being. Existance.

Trust that your anal inner critic can and will show her criticial (helpful) self soon enough!

Patience and passion in equal amounts. Patience alone will not build the temple, and passion alone will burn it down.


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