Begin Already!

Musings • Peace to the People • Blog • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Digital Marketing • Begin Already!

The truth? I've been publishing and deleting the first post of this blog, Musings, for at least five years.

Why the delay—the rampant hesitation and procrastination to simply just begin?

A interesting question indeed. 

As an entrepreneur, this blog is my sleuthy social experiment—if you're here, let me know in the comments below!

You can find me here on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook—but for the most part I am keeping this project "quiet"; I am not publicly announcing that I've begun this blog.

If you are here, it worked!

To first publish words, however silently, however inconspicuously, eventually, without a readership your destiny may be written to end like the great Emily Dickens'... decades of gorgeous prose and poetry kept unpublished until her death.

I believe the desire to write, on the grandest scale, is an incredible endeavor of getting to speak intimately and one-on-one (albeit one-sidedly) to potentially millions of people.

At once potentially quite public and also quite private, as I address my unknown readership from my office in Columbus, Ohio.



Keep Reading!


Anger: a Tipping Point


Follow + Unfollow: A Cycle of Growth