Realizing Your Dreams
My writing was in a disorganized wasteland, so unorganized I couldn't make sense of it all for a long while.
To truly organize your sh*t, you really have to be the one to do it and dedicate some solid time to the extensive sifting process.
[Months later, true that. !]
Who else truly knows what notes are important and which are no longer needed?
Organizing: your soul and honest spirit required.
I wanted to help other writers, and viola, I already had built the platform to authentically reach millions. Whoops / oh right, that's why I'd been working day in and day out on a pipe dream for years with little social life or money.
I dedicated my time and energy to this vision, and "just like that" it was ready for me to savor and utilize.
I had planted the seed years ago, nurtured it daily, continually trimmed its dead parts, and watered what was thriving.
I had a full grown garden to revel in, and indeed, I'd earned it!
What a joy it is to realize your dreams.
So, patting on the back commenced, here I am to help others.
It definitely can be done. Whatever it is you most dream of. It will just take time.
I won't intimidate you with questions likes:
Do you have what it takes?!
Are you willing to risk it all?!
How about: do you really, really want it and think it will truly benefit yourself and others?
Do you want it with all your heart?
Go get it.
I promise it's there waiting for you.
What you seek is seeking you.