Nothing is Wasted

Musings • Peace to the People • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Nothing Is Wasted

Nothing is wasted. Even if you read a booo you think is total garbage or goes against everythint you think you know or believe in, why not hear out what the "other" side actually thinks?

If you are standing in oppsition to a movement for instance, might you want to take a peak into your "opponents" head?

Call me radical, but my mission is to find the commonalities and contadery between us ALL, age, race, nationaloty, religion, sexuality, gender, etc. aside.

Though My education is in Liberal arts and Women's Studies of all subjects — delving deep into coneptual frameworks and THEORY sinilar to sociology... I found myself agreeing eith my ultra-conservative relative who wrote a letter to the editor about liberalism and labels.

I actually agree w hik wholeheartedly. Though helpful in intellectual discussions, these separations of the self are in fact not Real! As they say, the concept is NOT the thing. To paraphrase Alan watts, the word 'water' is not itself drinkable!

I don't think my seemingly random education is  in fact random.

Yoga means "to yoke", no? 

Seeing the interconnectedness of everything does not stop when you exit a yoga studio.

We are all inherently commected. So are all subjevta. 

The greatest and most frustrating aspect of a big university- none of these people are in communication with each other!

Alan watts quote of socio biology and all these blended divisions. There is no ACTUAL division is there?

I finally felt the urge to define my unique purpose on this planet is to bridge gaps in the spirit of my greatest heros: gloria, tnh, eckhart tolle, dalai, mlk, etc


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Everything is Connected


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