"Spiritual" Practice

Musings • Peace to the People • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Spiritual Practice

I use air quotations here to describe the practices of yoga and meditation, for I find the word "spirituality" can be equally off-putting and repellent to both religious and secular people alike.

I've encountered enough Catholic and Christian people intrigued by yoga yet simutaneously riddled with anxiety about these practices for fear of worshipping false Gods.

I've seen groups of Christian yogis form and they seem to have found a way to make their practice an extension of their love for Jesus.

To each their own.

For the more secular or scientifically educated, the word spirituality can evoke a sense of pure nonsense, a delving into "faith" based without formulated reason.

Instead, I prefer to look at the word spirituality as Thich Nhat Hanh looks.

Spirit as a synoym for breath: life force, prana, qi.

Spirituality can thus be looked at by the religious and secular alike without fear of threat or delusion.

There are many myriads of ways to interpret all practices and terms, but I prefer to look at spirituality as a means of living life in an intentional way.


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