Be the Sunshine
If I had to be obnoxious on the spot and share a word with you that's been used to describe me by many, it would be "sunshine".
A part of me (and I'm sure my partner) must laugh hysterically at that assessment, because as we all know: when it rains, it pours.
So, to write a "how-to" article in the least condescending and hypocritical manner, allow me to introduce myself as your completely imperfect narrator who can offer some advice as a fitness professional, entrepreneur, and gregarious person in general on how to stay energized, productive with purpose, and jazzed up about this life we're living.
I think I can best relate to my readers because boy, have I had bad days.
I am not immune to feelings of rage at what I perceive to be injustice, feelings of anxiety, disappointment, sadness, regret, internalized anger, you name it.
We are both humans; we are in this world together.
I am writing from a place of wanting to spark and stoke flames of inspiration and purpose into people of all backgrounds.
I am here to profess that I believe we all should aspire to be our very best selves, in that we will all inherently inspire and uplift those around us with our buoyant energy and attitude.
There is so much pain in this at times cruel world, and I am here to highlight all that is beautiful and all that is working out. All that is alright.
I am not naïve to the pain of life; in fact, I aim to tell many true stories of my past of which I am either deeply ashamed or scarred by.
When one of my best friends stepped from seven stories to his tragic death, it immediately opened my eyes to the impermanence of life. The urgency of getting our life's work out into the world--to help others before it was too late.
Before I learned to make peace with the horror of his death, I had to live through a little bit of hell. Depression. Anger turned inward, self-hatred, drugs. Sadness, rage, numbness.
I too have been through the wringer of this world, and I aim to be a kind person to help other people face their pain and eventually arrive at the forever-destination of the present moment, which for the most part, is glorious, full, and complete. Peaceful.
So when I get revved up to pump people up to be their best selves, yes, this will naturally give you a strong and beautiful body. But this is quite literally just the surface.
Learning to love yourself and live your highest truth and passion is a job that requires patience as you delve into deeper sheaths of yourself.
I am here to be a helping hand on a societal scale.
I want us to celebrate all that IS going to well in the world, and keep promoting what is RIGHT.
I have no interest in threatening a potentially-totalitarian third-party, in black bags, torture or assassination.
I have no desire to be ostracized in my country, slandered by sensational and one-sided media outlets.
Resistance is useless. Accept what is, and adjust.
If there is a legitimate One Percent ruling the Masses, then hey, what's up, hello.
Peace to the people comes from working together, and if our world is in as bad of shape as some suspect it is, then the time to work together was yesterday (is now.)
If we as a society are able to see that we don't need to be such super-consumers, that these products depleting the Earth aren't actually essential after all, then as a society, things will start to shift, and this does not need to be a horrible thing.
There are plenty of problems to be solved that we can use your creative energy for.
The world, it seems, would gradually switch to a service based society.
For instance, it takes a highly trained professional to accurately administer Acupuncture. Pile on incredible massage therapists and yoga teachers, and suddenly you have a professional group of people providing services that can be greatly benefitted from until the very end of their life.
We have a great amount of pain in the world, and who knows, maybe there is always a little bit of evil in the air, always a damn person to shit in the apple pie, but I still propose that we keep working to help each other, to build a beautiful present and future.