From Doing to Being—Save Your Sanity
I love watching students discover that what they’ve been seeking is right in front of their face, quite literally HERE, right now, always.
The modern age loves to make the obvious elusive, loves to convince people that what they seek can only come from external possessions or accomplishments.
Ever meet a rich and miserable man? Someone who “has it all” but remains isolated in their fortune? Divorced once, twice, three or more times with kids that won’t talk to them, employees who hate to them coming, not a friend in the world they don’t have to pay or manipulate to spend time with them?
I’ve met too many “successful” people like this to know that wealth alone will NOT bring happiness.
Wait, what? Balance? Moderation? Who would ever have thought? Wink.
I first learned the practice of mindfulness many years ago in a course about peaceful social activism.
As a writer, artist, and academic nerd at The Ohio State University, I was often encouraged to prioritize the complexities of the mind and intellectual pursuits.
While I still adore books and theory, I couldn't believe I had been alive for decades without ever learning of a practice at once so simple, straightforward, and totally life-changing.
Mindfulness is not something outside of your daily life.
Mindfulness can be practiced in any and all circumstances.
How to practice?
✨ Notice you are here—right this very moment.
✨ Observe what you are doing, where you are, all that is around you...
✨ Notice thoughts you are having, emotions that are present, how you feel physically...
✨ Attune your attention to your breath: noticing its smoothness, depth, and consistency.
✨ Welcome all that is present and know: you are here, in this very moment—alive.
The practice is simple.
Be here—now.
Applying this awareness in as many moments as possible is the challenge!
While circumstances, thoughts, and feelings continually change—you can access a peaceful state of mind by resting in that which is eternal and constant as long as you live: your breath, your presence, your very being... all are right here, always. 🤗💕✨
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