Google It

Musings • Peace to the People • Blog • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Self-Development • Google It—Really!

To this day I am shocked by entrepreneurs and business owners my age and older who sit stumped by a slew of questions… without plugging them into one of the world’s most powerful search engines and likely getting an instantaneous answer!

I love how Brendon Burchard describes the MINDSET of an entrepreneur—much more than the set of skills you have right NOW, someone with an entrepreneurial spirit has what it takes (the enthusiasm, courage, or stubborness) to learn damn near anything they need to learn.

Not knowing is not an excuse, particularly when we live in the most readily accessible Age of Information!

I know people with zero previous photography skills charging thousands of dollars for their services, who charged thousands for their services with only a few months of experience! Their secret? They stayed up many late nights watching YouTube tutorials.

Or take clients with WordPress sites who have slews of questions and get stumped again and again in the backend of this platform.

Having not used this program for a handful of years, I knew a little, but realistically? Not much.

My client who knew significantly less, sat next to me as I attempted to solve some of their website problems.

I didn’t know how to do a LOT of things. But I searched again and again, and task by task we completed each portion of our project.

I was happy to hear my client say with such awe and wonder, “You are so SMART!” but also smiled at how “smart” I really wasn’t. Resourceful is the word.

To this day, clients text or email me at all hours of the day asking me “How do I …. on Facebook?” “Is there a way to do … on Instagram?” “Do you know how to do… on my website?”

Sometimes I really do know the answer and am pumped to swiftly share what I can.

But honestly? Most of their questions are valid and occassionally brand new to me.

I type their exact question into a search engine… read an article or two, and viola! Now I know.

Perhaps this is a generational thing, but seriously: if you need the encouragement, look up your own answers! They are out there!


Keep Reading!


How to Let Go of Guilt


Mastering Feelings, Emotions + Beliefs