Marketing: Passion Meets Entrepreneurship

Musings • Peace to the People • Blog • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Marketing • Marketing Passion Meets Entrepreneurship

At last, all the pieces come together: at last, this all makes SENSE.

The big picture was difficult to decipher.

But the puzzle is complete, or more complete, and the picture is as whole and complete as ever.

A visionary living their vision in the present moment. Is that not the magic stuff of life?

To me, at least, it totally is.

All I ever wanted to be was an author. Along that path I was a writer, a percussionist, a pianist, a painter, a photographer, a student, a teacher, a marketing specialist, a webmaster, a social media manager, a yoga teacher, a cycling teacher, a meditation teacher, a studio artist, an insurance agent, a daughter, a fiancé, a real-life person imperfectly striving to bring my wildest dreams to fruition.

All I ever wanted to be was an author.

The most powerful mantra I come back to: I am That. Sat Nam.

I was so afraid of my own inspirational quotes! I knew them all by heart but feared bringing my one greatest dream into fruition.

"Everything you hope to be you already are. It is written. You are already that which you speak."

Why? Terrified of being ostracized or publically ridiculed.

Not only was I super afraid of failing, of totally sucking and making a complete fool of myself and shaming my family, I was also afraid of the opposite.

What if I was as brilliant as a deep down piece of me suspected? What if I was made of the same stuff as John Lennon or Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi or John F. Kennedy or Abraham Lincoln? Would I be assassinated for actually reaching the top of the top if that was where I set my sights?

Unfortunately a fan of many great dystopian novels like 1984 and Brave New World, I found an instinctual distrust and suspicion of the terror or torture that could follow stepping on the wrong toes or speaking up too publically.

Thus I wrote for decades and have collected hundreds of documents, journals, and sections of short stories and novels—allowing these works of art to stew inside my mind and psyche for years and years… awaiting the moment I would have the courage to at last create, publish, and set my work free to the world.

Hope for the best.

Thus I've been many hundreds of things to many hundreds of people, but until now, I'd yet to be what I most genuinely wanted to be for as long as I could remember: an author.

So, how do you do? I'm Kelli, and this is the start of a very significant journey for me, and fortunately for you as well, as you clearly must be here with me to be reading these words.

Thanks a million. It is for you I write. Why else write if not to meet another mind somewhere in time or space?

Who knows who you are, what time it is, what decade, century, or moment.

The same words can transcend time and space, making meaning with plethoras of individual minds and spirits—emotional beings seeking connection, finding it again and again.

To write is usually a response to reading with passion and fulfillment.

I have absorbed so many stories, essays, arguments, perspectives, and works of art over the years, and at last, as I know: it is time to make manifest that which means the most to me.

I knew that 27 would be the time. Ironically a year when many great people have passed away, a symbol of stepping into the rest of my life and seeing what happens.

Is this one of my greatest, deepest, passion in the whole wide world--to design websites for companies and help them establish strong brand identities, grow their social media accounts and manage their online identities, creating graphics, quotes, and marketing materials?

I admit, it's not my greatest passion, but I do love doing it, and it's been this entrepreneurial hybrid of photography, art, English, editing, and creative writing that has allowed me to function as an offbeat author in the twenty-first century.

I create email campaigns and social media strategies, do authentic organic outreach to build influence, take photos, etc.

This is one way to make money, certainly, and for that I am grateful.

But truly, my dharma, my purpose, is to bring peace to as many people as possible, and for me, in my teaching and life, I don't think my energy poured into strictly business endeavors is the true path for me.

I have blazed my own off path, certainly.

Most of the people I help at this point are companies and dear friends that I really can get behind and believe in.

I love to help those who help themselves; my ideal clients are the go-getters and hustlers of the world full of zeal and dreams. I love to help people discover an identity for their dreams and help them execute and organize.

So, I most certainly can help you with many small projects, but I am not choosing to devote the majority of my time to this endeavor.

If you're awesome and need a few small tips, flyers, business cards, social media strategies, help, hit me up.

I am here and have experience.

By far the farthest stretch to lump into my conglomerate business, but here's my best shot:

All the many things I do in life are inherently interconnected. As a marketing specialist, it makes perfect sense to want to promote the places I teach. I support the studios and genuinely believe in the benefits of the services they are providing people. Thus, this is symbiotic in nature, and though a skill set used for business, my social media work is the perfect asset in my life as a teacher, another source of symbiotic and honest income to sustain myself and family.

My best plea slogan for linking this work on this current website: helping small companies as a flexible and affordable social media manager and marketer, I bring them peace of mind. 

Like I said, a stretch.


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