Don't Make Things "Things"
This is my greatest philosophy of all. Ask my husband if I live this truth all the time. LOL!
No (gasp!) I am not a perfect human. I make mistakes (often), make a fool of myself here and there, and blow things out of proportion from time to time, freaking out or making a big deal that in hindsight, was a huge waste of not only my time that I will never get back, but also a huge rush of adrenaline and stress hormones NOT condusive to productivity, but to wasting time and aging faster.
My example is mom in the rain.
My seventy-five year old grandpa and I laughing and continuing on our bike ride for another few miles.
No, don’t take your metal bike on a trek through a thunderstorm, dodgind lightening into the eye of a raging tornado. Still use caution and don’t be a dumbass.
However, telling yourself bullshit is YOUR problem, not the world’s (and certainly not the rain’s)
“I HATE getting rained on!”
I am not a girly girl too often. If you are camping and your hair or makeup gets damaged in the rain on a trip with your daughter and laidback mom, dad, and husband… who is the one causing the problem? You!
Creating your own problems, that are often very stupid and childish, is one of the most rampant problems I see in today’s society.
Stop complaining and embrace whatever bullshit problems you have proclaimed, and thus turned into an actual problem in your head.
This same family member is the same person who for years has expressed to any and everyone how dissatisfied they are about their changing body and weight… this is the person that is never hesitant to proclaim, “I HATE working out.”
Are you seeing the problem?
The solution is obvious; shifting the childish mindset is also not that difficult.
I would argue that most of the shit we complain about is really this stupid to someone who has learned to accept or love it.
Who WANTS to do chores? Who LONGS to come home from a hard day’s work and is just DYING to fold laundry, scrub the toilet, and wash a massive stack of crusty dishes?
I at least don’t WANT to do this work any more than the average human being. But when you have to, you must.
Nike annoys me for coining three very simple words that apply to damn near every situation. Leaving me unsure if I can utter three very normal and inspirational words.
Just… Do the Damn Dishes!
If you get rained on, who cares?
Change your outfit, use a towel, and reapply your makeup if you must!
Unless you’re the Wicked Witch of the West, I assume you will not melt or otherwise perish.
Where does this come from? Proclimations internally or externally that allow you to be unhappy at your own command.
"I HATE getting rained on…"
Versus my grandfather and I embracing the rain and continuing on our bike ride.
You can tell yourself anything. This same person in fact often says, "I HATE working out."
Ok. I'm sure that will not help you much as simutaneously you are getting rained on, or wanting despartely to lose weight.
Power of a positivt mindset. There's ten tasks that undoubtedly need done. Tough love. Sorry, they have to happen and you're the one who has to make them happen. Many options exist, but a few might look like:
1) Whining and complaining internally and also extrernally to anyone who has the pleasure of speaking with you. You go on and on and ON because you can't BELIEVE you have to do this task and it will be DIFFICULT. Ugh! Sad face! Defeated posture and attitude! Meh!
2) Face reality. Damn, I have to complete this task. Definitely don't want to. Kind of sucks, let's be honest. But that's beyond the point. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Oh yeah, I'm breathing. What's up? Breathing, looking from side to side, feeling my feet, noticing my heart rate and the pace of my breath. Oh right, I'm here. What time is it? Right now, like always. Oh. Right. What is one small step I can take right now to start working towards this task? The big picture is freaking me out. But success is just the summation of small actions acted out. You know this. Break down the huge project into ridiculously simple steps. Give yourself a few super simple check boxes to cross out with vigor: _ Wake Up _ Drink Coffee _ Start computer.
3) Cross them out with vigor! Look at you knocking tasks out like a champion! Grow that snowball of motivation and roll down the hill with joy!
4) You have to do the task. No way around it. Make the freaking best of it! Make it a joke, make it a game! Who ever said you needed to treat your OWN tasks with such stuffiness or seriousness? There's no rule that says you have to sift each experience into a mindframe where it totally sucks.
5) In fact, you can CHOOSE to make something fun.
6) For instance: I have to teach a yoga class on a day where I'm feeling pretty uninspired, stressed, or grouchy. I have to show up for a classroom of people and drive quite a decent distance downtown to get there. In this moment, no, honestly, I don't really want to go. My energy feels "blah" at best. But what you focus on grows. Focus on the aspects you are not looking forward to, or, because seriously WHY NOT?! interpret the situation differently? I have twenty minutes in my car to bump my favorite music as loud as I want and sing at the top of my lungs free of judgement (aside from the passengers I pass along the highway. What must they think? Why must I care?)
7) Side note: If the person looks to their left and sees a lady belting out a song and not caring, what's the worst that can happen? They judge me? I don't know who they are. Chances are they won't see me again. They quickly take a video and an embarassing video goes viral around the entire world ruining all chances of me maintaining a relatively cool image as I become more well known in my career. (It was bound to happen anytime; I'm a notorious dork.) They laugh at the absurdity of it all and I provided a jolt of happiness of levity.
8) Let's lighten the f*ck up, society! There's a lot of heaviness and psycho killer scariness played on repeat via various media outlets and news stations. Those things are real and freaking terrifying, I feel you. But how many other people are NOT doing those f*cked up things every day? Most of society. Most of us are being decent people and trying to do their best.
9) The real thirst trap of our modern society is our obsession with violence, terror, plastic surgery.