Leap—Believe + Trust in your Abilities

Musings • Peace to the People • Leap—Believing + Trusting in your Abilities
Musings ♥ Leap • Skydiving

Leaving Yoga on High was a huge moment for me--one more safety net removed.


Like the warriors who would burn their ships. There was no retreat. There was no return.


There was victory or nothing.


Extreme certainly, and as an insurance agent, not a risk I was initially as willing to take.


A year or so into the entrepreneurial game, I see it's a risk, but after calculating, one I'm better equipped to take.


I'm taking a big bet, and to boot, I'm betting on myself.


To step into owning a business (or now two) was to step into believing in my own abilities.


And that itself is a journey worth taking!


Or at least, was for me.


So now, I am officially stepping into my identity as the founder of Peace to the People, LLC--my central creative channel for yoga, meditation, writing, interviews, inspiration, humor, real, feel good, stuff of vision.


I am also the owner of New Horizon Media Group's Marketing division.


I am a Social Media Manager and Marketing specialist now stepping aside from the role of the fisherman: now, I'm teaching people how to fish.






We decide how often to post, what type of outreach and content you are looking for, we create the package and based on how much you want, we will set the rate…


1 post per day

2 posts per day

3 posts per week

5 posts per week




When I went skydiving a few months after founding my business, Peace to the People, I suspected I had deeper symbolic reasons for jumping out of an airplane one otherwise ordinary Monday morning.


After over fifteen years of writing "Skydive" on my New Year's Resolution List to no avail, at last, I felt ready to face my greatest fear of all: falling.


(Sigmund Freud suggests in his work and The Interpretation of Dreams that at its heart, this phobia represents a fear of failing.)


At the time I was a more timid yoga teacher, fitness instructor, marketing consultant, and contractor for over ten clients—busy all day every day, making enough money to get by and learning the ropes of entrepreneurial reality.


 To start a business is to take a calculated risk based upon your own abilities.


A quote from John Burroughs kept burning like a replaying mantra:


 "Leap, and the net will appear."

Musings ♥ Leap • Skydiving

I was inching my way towards believing I could be a true blue entrepreneur in the twenty-first century with success.

I realized quickly that self-employment requires self-discipline.

I also learned that even more, entrepreneurship requires healthy and consistent self-belief.

If you are plagued with perpetual self-doubt, you may hesitate to place a bet on yourself that deep down, you suspect you cannot win.

If you don't truly believe you have a shot at succeeding on your own, why would you attempt to start at all—risking security for an uncertain (but potentially fabulous) outcome?

What I love most about the entrepreneurs, CEOS, and inventors I know? They believe in themselves. They take chances. They aren't perfect, but they trust in their abilities.

That type of competency backed by experience and enthusiasm is contagious.

This unshakeable inner confidence is useful for taking calculated risks and failing on the journey towards success.

So to start this blog I've been meaning to make public for years, I'm first happy to introduce myself as Kelli Hess, the founder and nerd behind Peace to the People and this website.

I am an inherently interconnected entrepreneur teaching other business owners a thing or two about what I've learned the last decade: from being the former president of my high school entrepreneurship club to the twenty-seven-year-old goofball I've grown up to be, I bring you this blog: Musings.

Inevitably, as you may soon and hopefully discover, my greatest heroes include Alan Watts, Walt Whitman, Thich Nhat Hanh, Gloria Anzaldua, Pablo Picasso—people who aren't so philosophically easy to chop into theoretical pieces and place in common boxes.

My heroes saw above and beyond mere labels (theory, thoughts, concepts...)

Musings ♥ Leap • Skydiving.png

While I can tote titles of being a former Arts Scholars student at The Ohio State University with a B.A. in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies concentrated in Narrative, Culture, and Representation with minors in Studio Art and English, I also am a RYT-500, E-RYT 200, Certified Meditation Teacher, iRest Yoga Nidra Level 1 + 2 Teacher-in-Training, and owner of my multifaceted business, Peace to the People, LLC.

The entrepreneurial glue that has held my millenial soul afloat the last decade has been a hybrid combination of my passion for color theory, two-dimensional design, digital manipulation, photography, collage, creative writing, copywriting, editing, and thus my inevitable career as a webmaster, social media manager, digital marketing specialist, writer, editor, and marketing consultant.

After years of building the foundation, content, and spirit of Peace to the People, I am finally ready to connect the many pieces of this site and start the process of weaving it all together.

Musings ♥ Leap • Skydiving

From yoga and meditation classesrecipes, playlists, affirmations, books, products, courses, guides, tutorials, essays, artwork, printables, humor, inspiration, lectures, podcasts, and more...

Happy browsing, thank you for being here, and make today as great as you can! 😊


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