Organic SEO + Timeless Titles
The boiled down message? Clean it up!
At the first marketing firm I worked for out of college, I worked for a maverick boss who had built a pretty dang impressive empire for herself, charging at least $10,000 a website and managing accounts for some of the most wealthy and wellknown companies in Columbus, Ohio.
When first training me on tips and tricks for SEO, she would show me some websites of popular companies and let out quiet and involuntary snickers from time to time, mumbling, “Amateurs.” under her breath.
Seeing what she saw as such was a giant game changer for me.
Another catch phrase I picked up was the obvious and prolific phrase: “You don’t know what you don’t know.”
Obviously! But, seriously: if you don’t know what you don’t know, you have open blind spots of spaces you could vastly improve if only you KNEW.
One of the biggest wastes I see for many companies is having next to no idea the importance of correctly titling your images.
I look at successful seven+ figure companies and their current blogs and think… dang. These people don’t seem to know this either!