Block the BS: Mute Haters + Distractions

Musings • Peace to the People • Entrepreneurship • Mindfulness • Block the BS Mute Haters + Distractions

Boy oh boy was this the best decision I'd thought about doing but didn't do. Live in modern America where everyone's irate politic rants are TOTALLY what you want to ready at the beginning of each morning? Based in principles of nonduality, common sense, and being moderate and open to all human beings... living in one of the most divided, hateful, and vengeful eras of American history that I've been alive for is quite the treat. As someone with the VERY practical degree of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies... for years contemplating the juxtapositions of my biology classes coinciding with classes like the History of Feminism, Women in Work, Women and Addiction, Work, Sex, and Power, Women in the Media... blah, blah, blah. I was quite literally schooled in liberalism and the jargon of intersectionality—useful theories with little translation to tangible PRACTICES to bring about change, peace, or practical solutions.... waking up daily to slews of women I know either 1) Did not attend college (not that there's anything wrong with that!) or 2) likely do not know half of what I know about feminsm or c) are so radically far gone I don't see how they could speak to anyone moderately down the middle.... for months... ok, fine... YEARS, I was FASCINATED with the angry, hostile, and from my perspective, TOTALLY IRRATIONAL spoutings of at least fifteen people I followed, some since early childhood, some were teachers, some were students, some were colleagues.... and the degree to which I disagreed with their views was insane. These were people calling for love and peace and acceptance while trash talking ANYONE who didn't embrace their radicalism... which seemed to be just as ironically irrational and stubborn as their opposition...... the hypocrisy was high and I would fume for minutes of my precious mornings upon reading their rants. What the fuck was this based on? Had these people done any research? What solutions were these people presenting? FINALLY understnaindg that I didn't have to publically hack off my friend list, I discovered the beauty of muting people's stories and posts. I cannot express the calm this immediately brought me. At some point, we must understand. Like an obstinate child. I have given attention to your perpetual temper tantrums for YEARS, observed your toxic spewing for years..... why and the f*ck should I distract myself for one more second. A few months from now, perhaps I'll check out their content and see if their helpful viewpoints have lifted them from their self proclaimed victimzation and deep depression and negativity... but if not. Bye Felicia. There is a fine like between apathy and understanding what power you DO posssess in your daily life.


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