Rest: the Busybody's New BFF
Have no time to relax? REST! (Wait, what?)
Have an urgent deadline five minutes away? (I'd assume no, or you wouldn't have the time to be reading these words! Wink!)
Most of us are not "too busy" as much as we don't manage our time as efficiently as we could.
Many of us are burnt out and stressed out and have mentally, emotionally, or physically checked out.
Some of us have given up and don't feel we can muster the strength to do anything but rest.
Guess what? Your body is often way ahead of your analytical mind.
If every single signal is pointing to "take a nap"… well… take a nap!
"But I can't afford to! I have NO time!!!"
"But there are SO many other things I want to check off my list first!"
515 Words. Expand Upon BOOM
It might seem counterintuitive, but those who practice common sense know how OBVIOUS this is… counterbalance, baby!
Most of the steps we can take to profoundly influence and reshape our lives and SUCH. SMALL. SHIFTS.
Often we are looking for complicated solutions to such ridiculously obvious questions.
"I am so TIRED!"
"I am exhausted ALL THE TIME!"
"I have trouble sleeping most nights!"
First: what's keeping you up at night?
So many people are in a constant state of running from the obvious.
This is probably what I bring to the table more than anything as a meditation teacher and leader of Captain Obvious….
Come back to the root of the problem.
It is not hard.
It is often uncomfortable.
But we are all capable, if not massively unwilling.
Let's say you start to get that creeping felt sense of uneasiness.
Sure, there are "healthier" solutions to avoid uncomfortable or unwelcome feelings.
Some people perpetually workout (not the worst solution!), work overtime to stay busy, or distract themselves in an infinite amount of ways.
So many of us have a drink, a smoke, a snack, turn on the TV, or tune out in a million other ways.
Obviously, having a good time here and there or enjoying the hell out of lazy Sunday can be one of the healthiest and best things you can do for yourself.
But if you start to notice a pattern of aversion or avoidance often and consistently in response to particular triggers… it might be time, my friend, to stop this running and look within.
What are you running from?
What would happen if whatever emotion rolling over that feels so consuming and gross was able to be dealt with?
Many non-meditators assume meditation is a state of pure bliss and beauty, an escape from the daily grind… while most yogis and meditation practictioners recognize that simply being with whatever arises can be one of the most courageous, and initially most cringeworthy tasks imaginable.
Say you've gone through a spell of horribly negative self-talk. You are mad yourself for some failure, some flaw, some action that has made you feel like crap about yourself… well… when those ugly feelings of self-loathing rise up, sure, I totally understand wanting to be anywhere but right in the middle of the surfacing feelings and associated sensations… but don’t you think you'd feel BETTER if you could finally let them say whatever they needed to say to you?
WHY do you feel this way? WHERE in your body do you feel sensation when you feel this way? WHEN do you feel this way? WHO is noticing that you are feeling of these feelings in the first place?
What if you could train your mind to step back from the tsunami of tumutlous emotions and thoughts that can occassionally overtake you and access a deeper, calmer, wiser state of witnessing?
You're in luck. You can!
Download my Free XYZ below for more information, or feel free to check out my XYZ Course or Series here to take these theories and put them into integrated PRACTICE.
Go go go go go go go go go go go go go GO!
Do you get anxiety for that adorable rushed rabbit in Alice of Wonderland?
I can’t tell you how many humans in this modern era that model his sense of urgency and palpable restlessness.
Most of these people need smacked with common sense that I’ve experience many refuse to hear for even a moment. They have no TIME, remember? They’re late, they’re late, for a very important date! No time to talk, something else, I’m late, I’m late, I’m LATE!
These people could get labelled as many words, but really what they need so obviously is a counterbalance.
The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it
Don’t just do something, sit there!
People that are metaphorically running all the time tend to subconciously or very intentionally run for a reason—the act of sitting still, of being silent, of DOING nothing for even five minutes, just BEING with themselves… seems to set them off and disturb them. They have no TIME, didn’t you hear?
Often the key to our problems is right in front of our face. And often people running refuse to acknowledge whatever discomfort, pain, or suffering is lurking so close, yet if they keep moving, someone they think they can avoid the obvious.
Listen to your body when it whispers so you don’t have to listen when it screams.
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