Stop Second-Guessing Yourself
We all know by now it’s unwise to take a standardized test in a mindset of self-doubt and uncertainty.
I attribute so much of my success in life to a stable sense of self-belief.
Know the type who gets nervous, shaky, and panicky about taking tests?
I gurantee if you take two people of identical ability and give one the power of calm confidence and other a huge scoop of self-doubt, calm confidence will win every time.
Most people want a quick fix—a quick pill to pop—anything, anything at all to keep them from staring what haunts them in the face.
What’s the root of the problem?
Have a vague idea but you think it will be too painful to face?
“Quote from Reclaiming Body” we have already experienced the worst.
Running from yourself for a lifetime is certainly an option. But seems like a pretty shitty way to live a life.