Self-Care: the Source of Sustainability
Give back to your body and maintain the machine that is you.
Imagine for a moment you are a cup filled to the brim with nourishing liqud. You give and give and give and give and give and give and give, and “suddenly”—you have nothing left to give.
Imagine doing the same to your car without replensihing the gas or oil.
You are going to seriously damage your vehicle or vessel without proper maintenence.
Somehow, many of us entrepreneurs think we are different.
WE don’t need sleep! WE don’t need to rest! We don’t have time, remember?
I sit back and watch these people with skepticisim and admittedly, a little pity.
Again and again we see similar results: huge rushes of enthusiastic go-getting followed by just as many months or moments of pure lethargy or bitter, depleted burn out.
You are human. Even machines need to sleep, restart, or shut down from time to time.
You are amazing, certainly. But you too need adequate, compassionate, common sense care if you’re to go get ‘em with consistent fervor and enthusiasm.
Whatever it takes to recharge you. The world is moving so fast.
Staying in tune with ourselves.
We all have that place of knowledge, peace, wisdom.