Transcending Lethargy + Inertia
"Not knowing what to start"
Face it all.
I've been struggling a lot lately with depression and a lack of motivation to really live. I've lost my passion for things that use to light up my life. How do you keep your passion for everything that you do?
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Hey Victoria- I'm really sorry to hear that! I have absolutely been there and I feel for you. Before I really got into yoga, one of my best friend's committed suicide, and not long after I caught another friend and my boyfriend together... Along with the usual work-life stress, I was really, really, really anger/sad/depressed and would describe a year of my life as pretty dark and void. I always recommend books that can gradually transition you out of a funk... "Anger" by Thich Nhat Hanh was a huge help to me. I'm actually starting a project called Peace to the People where I'm sharing a bunch of books, essays, music, classes, etc. in an effort to help inspire people through hard times. If it's at all useful for you, I have lots of great books on here: In general, I'd just keep recommending to only look at each day one at a time. Looking too far in advance can be overwhelming and intimidating. Just look at each day, one at a time. Then maybe look at each hour, each breath. How do you feel right in this very moment? Are you happy? If not, why not? What are you holding onto that could eventually be released? In general, yoga and mindfulness and many good books and time helped heal me more than anything else. It's hard when you feel so down to be optimistic, and don't beat yourself up about feeling low. Keep reminding yourself that all of us sink to low places, and nobody is perfect or any better than you. Keep reminding yourself that you are good enough, and try, above all else, to start to forgive yourself, no matter what you are holding over your head. Forgive yourself and truly learn to love yourself exactly as you are while working to transform. I think you are incredible and I'm holding you in my heart.
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Sorry it took my ages to get back to you. I've been taking what you said with great thought and it's making my days a bit easier. Although I still have my down days, and I'm still struggling with getting back to what made me happy, I'm trying to make everyday happier with little things. Thank you for taking the time to respond and giving me some of your brilliant insight. I truly value you and i think about you often. You are such an inspiration to me and I hope to find at least half of the motivation that you have. Love you dearly, Kelly! Please keep being a shining light!
Setting a list the night before, or first thing in the morning.
Before the “ugh……” sets in… DO IT!
Set your to-do list. In a “mindless” place or
Don’t wake up and read emails. Or Instagram. Or Facebook. Or television.
Sound too restricting? Maybe not for the first half hour.
Endorphin rushes.
Getting things going before you have time to totally dread it.
See: how to enjoy your chores.
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